Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Initial Investigations

Urea and electrolytes

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone


Chest X-Ray

Transthoracic echocardiogram

Urea and electrolytes

Chronic Disturbance of Electrolytes.

Hypokalaemia [potassium level less than 3.5 mEq/L.]

Repolarisation of SA node action potential is due to the inward K+ movement.

With this said, the contraction of the atrium is affected as there is limited repolarisation of the SA node.

Dependence on the nodes after the SA node is needed. (AV node etc.)

Predisposal to atrial fibrilation

Implications for therapy

Predisposes to digoxin toxicity [ in which the PR interval is prolonged]

Collection of Urine sample.


Useful to screen for thyrotoxicosis

A thyroid crisis, severe hyperthyroidism

TSHà Production of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), helping with metabolism

Increased production of TSH can affect the heart by racing pulse rate.

Should be performed on patients with first episodes of AF

Done by having a blood test


Standard 12 Leads

-aVR,aVL,aVF= augmented limb leads

-3 Unipolar Limb leads

VR:Right arm

VL:Left arm

VF:left foot

-Unipolar Chest leads



Electrical current generated by heart and analysed in 2 planes.

Groupings of leads of ECG

V1-V4: Anterior Group

I,V5,V6= Left Lateral Group

II,III,aVF= Inferior

P wave: Atrial depolarisation

- Short p wave= accessory pathway to the ventricle, bypassing the normal conduction.

- Absence of p wave= atrial fibrilation

(contributes to sawtooth baseline ECG)

QRS complex: depolarisation of ventricles.

- AV nodeà conducting system à bundle of Hisà divides to left and right bundle branchesà Purkinje Fibres

- Usu. < sq=" 0.04" sq=" 0.2">

- Left Axis Deviation: Left ventricular hypertrophy[QRS of -30° or more]

- Right Axis Deviation: Right ventricular dilatation

(less common)

ST Segment: Time for ventricular depolarisation to repolarisation.

- Height is affected by ischaemia and infarction

- Configuration can be associated with infarction and troponin release.

T Wave and QT Interval

-T Wave: Due to repolarisation of ventricles.

Peaked T waves: Hyperkalaemia

QT Interval: Start of depolarisation to end repolarisation of ventricles.

Characteristics of ECG of Atrial Fibrillation

absence of p waves

Irregular sawtooth baseline

Irregular ventricular rate

Underlying features of other diseases:

- Left ventricular hypertrophy (left deviation)

- Myocardial infarction (abnormal Q waves)

Chest X-Ray

Cardiomegaly=the heart enlarges in a cardiothoracic ratio of more than 0.50 (Low cardiac output, in this case like AF)

Indication of underlying heart disease or congestive heart failure.

Transthoracic Echocardiogram

Measure atrial size and screen for thrombus (although sensitivity is low) and valvular heart disease.

Plus, ventricular size and function can be quantified

Furthur Investigations

Holter Monitoring

Transoesophageal echocardiography

Electrophysiological Studies

Holter Monitoring

24 hour ECG monitoring

Diagnose paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (irregular heart rhythm occurs periodically)

Ideal for patients who are suspected of atrial fibrillation but who remain in sinus rhythm on initial investigations

Transesophageal echocardiography

Suggestion of left atrial thrombus on transthoracic imaging

Steps to performing TEE:

- Transducer passed into the esophagus (the swallowing tube) and is positioned directly behind the heart.

- Patient sedated, local anest. To suppress gag reflex.

- Once in position directly behind the heart, the transducer bounces sound waves off the heart (just as in the standard echocardiogram), and images of the cardiac structures are produced

Electrophysiological studies

To define the mechanism for atrial fibrillation in patients in whom curative catheter ablation is being considered

Not diagnosis oriented


Detecting arrhythmias.

wire electrodes in the heart to measure electrical activity along the heart's conduction system and in heart muscle cells themselves.

The doctor uses moving x-ray images to carefully guide the catheter up into the heart and place the electrodes into the proper areas.

The electrodes detect the heart's electrical activity

Mapping out any abnormal heartbeats.




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